Hydrogen technologies have conquered the Japanese and Western European markets long time ago, but the fact that Poland is one of the world's largest producers of hydrogen remains unchanged.
Thanks to the investments of Polish companies, we are getting closer to the hydrogen future in transport. Leading Polish companies such as Grupa Lotos and PGNiG announce that as soon as 2021 the first hydrogen refueling stations are to appear in Poland. The construction of two stations by Lotos can be expected in Warsaw at Łopuszańska street and in Gdansk near the refinery. The PGNiG Group plans to open a station at the PGNiG headquarters in Warsaw at Prądzyński street, near the existing CNG (compressed natural gas) refuelling station at the end of the first quarter of 2021.
The creation of transport based on "green" hydrogen, i.e. hydrogen obtained from renewable energy sources, is strongly supported by the European Union. According to Toyota sources, only 2-5% of green hydrogen is produced worldwide. The disadvantage of green hydrogen is the price and fuel storage method. The PGNiG Group together with the Oil and Gas Institute and Chemkop are investigating the possibilities of its underground storage. In addition to storing hydrogen, its production is associated with its direct supply to customers.
Source: https://wysokienapiecie.pl/25431-polskie-pomysly-na-wodor/